Saturday, April 7, 2012

Happy Birthday, Kelly

Today's blog post is a tribute to my cousin, who passed away exactly two months ago and who should be celebrating her 22nd birthday today.

When Kelly was born, the only thing that the doctors knew was that her heart wasn't functioning properly. As her parents took care of her and watched her grow, she never learned to speak. She made noises and gestures but could never form a word. After countless visits to the doctor, her parents were told that Kelly's condition was extremely rare, and therefore didn't have a proper diagnosis. 

Despite all of the things that Kelly was unable to do, she was one of the strongest and sweetest people I've ever known. She would come up to you at random and give you a kiss, she was always rubbing her tummy to let you know that she was hungry, and she loved going to church. She always had a pocketbook and cards with her and if you tried to take them, it would not be pretty. Every time the Lord was mentioned during church, she clapped her hands. As the pastor said during her funeral, Kelly spoke volumes with no words at all.
Kelly and her 11-year-old sister, Megan, this past Christmas
Megan visiting Kelly. This picture breaks my heart every time.
I just wanted to remind everyone to cherish every moment you have with your loved ones. Never miss a single opportunity to let them know you love won't regret it.

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